Maritza’s Story

Maritza and her husband had four children and were struggling financially when the Helpers came into their lives in the winter. The family did not even have furniture in their home. They were living with only the basics. Their four children, aged 17, 15, 11 and seven slept on several air mattresses.

Their eldest daughter has Lupus and there are many days when Maritza cannot go to work as a Home Health Aid because she must stay with her daughter. Then they rely totally on her husband’s roofing wages of $350-$400 a week.

Naturally, when Maritza discovered she was pregnant, she was concerned. They wondered how they could possibly afford another child. In early December she reluctantly scheduled an abortion at the Cherry Hill Women’s Center. When she went to the clinic she met a young woman inside and began a conversation. She told the girl that she really didn’t want to do this, but that she couldn’t provide for another baby. The girl passed along a brochure she had been given outside the clinic by people who were praying there. The brochure listed various ways that Helpers NJ would help pregnant mothers.

Maritza said “God was with me there. If I didn’t speak to that young woman I would probably have terminated. He didn’t let that happen.” She left the clinic with hope and called the Helpers two days later.

When Mary Anne visited Maritza’s home she immediately offered to get them furniture. The first delivery was living room furniture and a kitchen table and chairs. After a few more days, beds were delivered.

Since we met them just before Christmas, the Helpers gave the family gifts, gift cards and a turkey dinner so they could have a real celebration.

Before the lockdown, Maritza was going to Helpers Academy and participating in our “Earn While You Learn” program. She was able to earn many things she needed for the baby as she also learned new skills.

We posted a brief description of her story on Facebook when the baby was born and someone offered to get her anything else she may need. When she got out of the hospital and went home she realized she needed a baby monitor. Through Helper, Erin, that need was immediately met!

Baby Giovanni was born on Mother’s Day! He weighed 6 pounds, 7 ounces.

We are so grateful for all of you, our Helpers! Thank you to everyone who prays and offers support to mothers going into the clinic and thank you to those willing to do whatever you can to ease the burdens of mothers in need.

“The LORD is trustworthy in all he promises and faithful in all he does.” Psalm 145:13